此车来自本地车主的置换,前车主是一家大型公司的经理,常见在加拿大各个城市往返跑,基本都是高速行驶里程。此车外带一套免费的雪胎+轮毂,性价比非常高!功能也能齐全,很适合代步,经济省油 ...
人证? 发表于 2024-1-29 04:36 楼主啊,你说你有多缺德!10多万公里的二手车卖这么贵,
JS of wanmeiff.com and vcpic.com Please keep this copyright information, respect of, thank you!JS of wanmeiff.com and vcpic.com Please keep this copyright information, respect of, thank you!
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