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发布时间: 2018-9-5 21:58
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Sociology Writing Sample (Excerpt) Aboriginal individuals, native persons or first inhabitants of Canada, are commonly referred to as a collective group with several descendants and rooted ancestry in the land of Canada (Greenwood & deLeeuw, 2012). Thus, it is not surprising that the disparities and adverse health amongst this group are somewhat of new phenomena as result of colonization and systemic racism(Logan, 2017). Pre-colonization Aboriginals living in their native land of Canada flourished and reaped the benefits of good health as they consumedtraditional diets and lived active lives (Logan, 2017). Traditional diets were balanced because they contained vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and proteins. The oral history of Canada's Aboriginals indicates that they lived long lives before they had contact with other cultures (Lavallee& Poole, 2010). They celebrated their good health using physical, spiritual and ceremonial elements.Their healers at the time included shaman, herbal healers, and midwives.Furthermore, they had customary laws, which provided for hygiene and healthy eating (Wilson & Cardwell, 2012). The physical fitness of the Aboriginals of thepre-contact period is explicitly attributed to their active gathering, fishing,and hunting lifestyles (Greenwood & de Leeuw, 2012). Spiritual healers among Canada's Aboriginals during the pre-contact period encouraged preventive and holistic approaches to care.Members of the community and family provided comfort and support to people who fell sick (Furgal, Garvin, & Jardine, 2010). All members of the extended family played a role in nurturing and raising children. As a result, the education, health, and growth of children were addressed. Contact between Canada's Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals occurred in the late 1700s (Wilson &Cardwell, 2012). During the period, Canadian Aboriginals had contact with British traders, the French,Russians, and the Spanish. Contact with explorers is attributed to the spread of epidemics such as a whooping cough,influenza, measles and smallpox to the Aboriginal community. Epidemics led to the decrease of the Aboriginal population (Cairns, 2011). |
Psychology Writing Sample (excerpt) Jean Piaget was concerned with the development of human intelligence and he proposed four stages that describe the evolution of cognition. Piaget’s background was in zoology and the natural sciences so he focused on the genetic capabilities of children and how the brain developed over time (Lefmann &Combs-Orme, 2013). Piaget had a tremendous impact on the field of psychology and helped revolutionize thought on child development (Rathus, 2011). Previously, most scientists believed that children thought and behaved in similar ways to adults and Piaget challenged this notion through demonstrating the stages of intellectual development through a child’s early years (Rathus,2011). |
我们所有写手都毕业于世界 TOP 200 (QS World University Rankings) 大学。以下是我们部分写手的资历。 Science & Engineering 1. PhD in Math, University of Toronto (Top 25) 2. Eng.D in Electrical Engineering, University of Texas,Austin (Top 70) 3. Eng.D in Civil Engineering, University of Toronto (Top 100) 4. MSc in Biology, University of Toronto (Top 25) 5. PhD in Biochemistry, University of Texas, Austin (Top 50) Social Science 1. PhD in Sociology, University of Chicago (Top 10) 2. PhD in Sociology, University of Toronto (Top 25) 3. PhD in Anthropology, UC San Diego (Top 50) 4. PhD in Political Science, UCLA (Top 25) 5. PhD in Political Science, University of Toronto (Top 25) 6. PhD in Psychology, University of Michigan (Top 25) 7. PhD in Psychology, McGill University (Top 50) 8. MSc in Economics, New York University (Top 50) 9. MA in International Relations, University of Chicago (Top 10) 10. MA in International Relations, John Hopkins University(Top 30) Arts and Humanities 1. PhD in Comparative Literature, University of British Columbia (Top 50) 2. MA in English, University of Toronto (Top 25) 3. MA in History, Harvard University (Top 5) 4. MA in Philosophy, University of Toronto (Top 25) 5. MA in Fine Art, University of Toronto (Top 25) 6. MA in East Asian Studies, University of Toronto (Top 25) Professional 1. MA in Public Administration, University of British Columbia (Top 50) 2. MA in Public Health, University of Toronto (Top 25) 3. MA in Education, University of Toronto (Top 25) 4. MA in Quantitative Finance, New York University (Top 50) 5. MBA, University of Toronto (Top 25) |
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