July 13 – Early feedback on the reintegration pilotsHi everyone, Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been a number of employees who continued to work in our offices to maintain our critical operations, and for this, we owe them a debt of gratitude. We want to thank all those who were involved in immediately implementing all the necessary safety measures to ensure their health and safety while in the workplace. Last week, they were joined by select employees from Sydney and Vancouver who resumed key business activities. Additional employees from the National Capital Region will return to their worksite this week. In general, we heard that employees are happy to be back in the office and are comfortable and confident with the new temporary signage and measures put in place in their worksites. The machine is getting back into motion and paper applications are successfully being scanned and entered into our system, allowing for more and more applications to be processed remotely every day. As would be expected, not everyone was equally keen to be back in the office, and this is completely understandable. Some were surprised at how much their worksites looked and felt different. The new measures have changed the social interactions that we are all used to having at work, and in some cases, employees found the new measures to be slightly stricter in comparison to provincial measures and restrictions. This is good feedback that will continue to be assessed and factored into the ongoing fine-tuning of our Playbook (i.e. tactical plan). We acknowledge that things are different now than they were before. We appreciate that this adjustment period may not be easy and may be experienced differently by everyone. We will continue to ask for and listen to employees’ feedback through open dialogue and surveys, to adjust measures as required and to inform future worksite preparations. Much work and planning is underway to establish which other business operations will resume in our worksites next. More details to follow. As more people gradually return to the workplace, we are also getting a sense that work is picking up on all fronts. Our regular operations in the department are also becoming busier, and are adapting. We have greatly increased the number of virtual citizenship ceremonies and virtual landings of permanent residents. We have started a new Transformation journey lab to look at improvements in the citizenship business line, and are ramping up efforts to modernize our digital platform and deliver more of our business online. We know that immigration will have an important role to play in the economic recovery. Whether you continue to work remotely or are going to get back into the physical workplace, we imagine that your thoughts are already looking ahead toward fall and what reopening will look like both for work and in our communities. For our part, we are committed to supporting you and improving your work environment regardless of location. Even so, as we adjust to the “next normal” people will react differently; that is understandable, and we’d like to remind you of available mental health and well-being resources available to you, should you need them. We also encourage you to take summer holidays and find time to recharge. We know that for many of you this is a really busy and intense period at work, and we cannot thank you enough for the doing the nearly impossible almost every day for the past four months. Taking a break in the summer is more important now than ever before, and although it may be difficult, we encourage you to take holidays and find time to recharge. Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication. Catrina Tapley
Deputy Minister Caroline Xavier
Associate Deputy Minister