友情提醒一下参与买卖的人,根据加拿大刑法,Every one who steals a credit card, forges or falsifies a credit card, uses or traffics in a credit card or a forged or falsified credit card, or uses a revoked or cancelled credit card is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment or punishable on a summary conviction. 买卖双方均属犯罪,一经定罪,不仅面临监禁,非移民还会被遣返(任何形式罪行包括酒驾经定罪后也是)。看了看上面的回复,家里又不缺钱,非要搞这种歪门邪道,以后商家看到中国人就要查ID你就高兴了?还是那句话,人品有问题。