Kindergarten Registration for September 2024
We are now accepting Kindergarten registrations for September 2024. If you have a child who was born in 2019, it is important for us to have your application as soon as possible to help us plan our classrooms and accommodate your child in September. Registration Process: To register your child, please complete a Registration Form and email the form to [email protected]. The following documentation must be included to complete the registration process: - Your child's birth certificate
- Proof of residency (e.g., lease agreement, mortgage documents or utility bills)
- Your child's 9-digit personal Manitoba Health information (9-digit personal identification number)
- Name and phone number of an emergency contact
- Parent/guardian home and work phone numbers
If you are a Permanent Resident, please include the Permanent Resident document OR the front and back of the Permanent Residency card (parent and child). If you are in Canada on a Study Visa or Work Permit, please click on this link How To Register K-6 (pembinatrails.ca) and read the instructions for Newcomers to Canada. At the bottom of the page there is a link to the Pembina Trails Kindergarten Video. Parents who would like to complete a paper copy of the registration can pick up a form in the school office. Dalhousie School will be hosting a “Welcome to Kindergarten” event later this school year. We will invite parents and students who are registered for Kindergarten in September 2024. Just a reminder that Kindergarten is a half-day program. Thank you. Dalhousie School Office