刚找了一份兼职, HR让填2018TD1那个表,有几个问题麻烦tax大神指教下:
1. 作为国际留学生,是不是non-residents但是选yes?
Non-residents (Only fill in if you are a non-resident of Canada.)As a non-resident of Canada, will 90% or more of your world income be included in determining your taxable income earned in Canada in 2018?
Yes (Fill out the previous page.)
No (Enter "0" on line 13, and do not fill in lines 2 to 12 as you are not entitled to the personal tax credits.)
2. 学费那一栏,我是填2018年的学费,还是19年的?我是18年9月刚开学,18年就只有Fall term4个月的学费, 19年的学费还没交满。
5. Tuition (full time and part time) – If you are a student enrolled at a university or college, or an educational institution certified by Employment and Social Development Canada, and you will pay more than $100 per institution in tuition fees, fill in this section. If you are enrolled full time or part time, enter the total of the tuition fees you will pay.