tanglaoyataba 发表于 2020-8-17 21:57 自然会有好消息 |
大有可为 发表于 2020-8-17 18:08 谢谢您的正能量留言! |
祝福大伙都顺顺利利 |
刚看到的消息是他们计划9月14号全面开始Resume移民方面的项目,链接在这:https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/ ... to-canada-1.5067683,大家可以看下,没有拿到FN的也别着急了,圣诞节前应该都下来了! |
edc 发表于 2020-8-11 20:44 那我们应该是一个boat,都卡在悉尼了!你可以看下这个帖子https://www.canadavisa.com/canad ... ppr.616340/page-504 Not good news and I wanted to share, I talked today with the office of the Ministry of Immigration. The gentleman very nicely told me that I should have the patience for the next 4 to 5 months. There are only 30 people working at the facility and nobody can move the paper files for security reasons. 看来需要做好持久战的打算! |
tanglaoyataba 发表于 2020-8-11 10:47 我也是19个月了 |
Jcg 发表于 2020-8-10 21:00 我推荐您去www.canadavisa.com论坛看看,上面的case多,可以参考下其他人的申请进度。 |